Jun 02, 2023
Badger Meter: Electromagnetic Flow Meter
Company: Badger Meter Product: ModMAG® M2000 Electromagnetic Flow Meter
Company: Badger Meter
Product: ModMAG® M2000 Electromagnetic Flow Meter
Description: The M2000 meter is a full-bore inline electromagnetic meter to complete the BACnet Testing Laboratories (BTL) Certification Program, assuring seamless integration with building management systems. It offers BACnet MS/TP, BACnet/IP, EtherNet/IP and Modbus TCP/IP communication protocols and an advanced, user-friendly design built for field verification testing through a simple, handheld device. The M2000 meter delivers accuracy of ±1% with zero straight run required in applications with limited space or ±0.20% of rate ±1 mm/s with appropriate straight run.
Contact: 877-243-1010; www.badgermeter.com
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