Letters to the Editor: Don't waste money on techno


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Jan 06, 2024

Letters to the Editor: Don't waste money on techno

A recent edition of The Sun featured a motor vehicle advice column,

A recent edition of The Sun featured a motor vehicle advice column, "Motormouth," by Bob Weber, Tribune News Services. Readers may submit their questions, which are answered in the column.

One reader was faced with paying over $1,400 to repair issues with his Tire Pressure Monitoring System, replace the control module, and either repair or replace all four sensors. Another reader was anguishing over the dashboard warning light for his low tire pressure monitoring system, and the ensuing cost of getting it fixed.

At the risk of being called a Luddite, a sociopath, a dinosaur, or a crank, I would simply mention that for about $10-12, either of the above two readers could purchase a tire pressure gauge at their local parts store. Not the cheap kind that resemble a ballpoint pen, but a good-quality gauge with a dial. They would then be free to personally check their own tire pressures and inflate as necessary. They would also be free to avoid spending ridiculous amounts of their hard-earned money on finicky techno-garbage that is in fact designed to wear out.

To paraphrase a famous old song: "Freedom's just another word for no more warning lights."

— J.F. DaceyLowell

So, it was time for me to renew my driver's license, now I need to obtain a "Real ID License" which is required by the state.

I go online to see what I need before I take a trip to AAA and gather it all up. Next, I set up an appointment and bring everything I need. I present them a passport, a Social Security card, my taxes, a bill with my name and address on it, my shoe size, color of my lawn mower and my wife's favorite ice cream .

I almost made it, but my Social Security card was laminated. Something I thought was great idea 40 years ago turns out to be illegal. No problem I have my Social Security number on my taxes. Nope, that didn't fly because they only accept a 1099 or a W-2 form. Because I’m self-employed I don't have either of those tax forms, but I submit 1040 (which has my social security # on it). Sorry I was told; we don't take that. Strike 1.

Off to the Social Security office in Fitchburg to obtain a new card that is not laminated. All they needed was my driver's license and I get a new social security card in about 2 weeks. LOL.

Fast forward 2 weeks and a new appointment at AAA and I’m back in-line. I resubmit everything I had before and I realize I have lost my Construction Supervisors License walking from my truck to the AAA office. Strike 2.

I finally got my Real Idea License. But in the process of all this I have come up with a great idea to control illegal immigration. Before any Immigrants cross the border, they should be required to obtain a Real ID.

— Randy BenhamLeominsterThis letter was submitted to offer a satirical point of view.

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